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Comps Entered: approx 20 (and thats being generous!)

Comps Won: 2

Ratio: 1:10

Approx Prize Value: £707

Longest Winning Streak: 1 day!

Non-Comping Days: 30!!

BAD COMPER! NAUGHTY COMPER!! So bad that I may not publish this post or send it out into the comping world. Lets see what button I press at the end of this....


1. It is only fair and a judgement and measure of karma, that the prizes won in October benefit me in no way. This first prize is exactly that, but although its not for me, it was a pleasure to win it. Its a £700 mattress from a company called Leesa, from a creative entry through the Gaydio website. We had to nominate someone who we thought deserved a good nights sleep- I nominated my mates' mom Maria, who if you knew her, you would understand why! We have to film their reaction to it being delivered too, so that should be interesting.....

If you are curious as to why Maria got chosen to win the mattress, take a look here.

2. Lady MacBeth blu ray from an unknown source. To be honest, I normally love a little film win, but with winter setting in and the unpleasant mental health difficulties that accompany that for me, I didn't feel like watching a tragedy where she ***spoiler alert*** kills herself at the end. Instead I sold it on eBay and bought a pint or two with the cash.

Well, thats it and its as much as I deserve! But, with Christmas fast approaching, and the desperate need to have another holiday soon, I am back on the comping wagon!

For no reason at all, here is a picture of Newman & Baddiel...

Love your hair, hope you win!


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